Now that I’ve hit forty, (and by forty, I obviously mean two months shy of forty-five.) my period has become a basic bitch. I feel all the cliche things women in movies complain about when they are supposed to be bleeding.
I get a headache, I need Advil, I feel bloated, I hate my husband and children, and I crave chocolate.
Of all the symptoms, the swollen boobs, the crying over instagram videos of elderly dogs wearing tuxedos, the chocolate craving feels the most embarrassing. Nothing against chocolate, but admitting that I crave it once a month feels like I’m a guy in the early 2000s telling you that my favourite band is U2.
I have a story in my fist book, I Like You Just The Way I Am about how during a high powered Hollywood meeting, my first as a “screenwriter”, I bled all over this producer’s white boucle couch. Why? because I had no clue my period had started. I felt nothing. No symptoms, no rage, no cravings.
Unlike farting on an airplane, when you bleed on someone’s couch, you can’t just ignore it. I was in a room with three men. The couch looked like a CSI crime scene. Instead of running from the problem or throwing myself out the window, I had to just own it.
(Scene from my ABC show, based on the first book that I wrote and cast Busy in as my sister, Samantha. I shot this in the edit bay because I just loved her delivery so much.)
(If you missed our podcast together last week, check it out here ALL THE FAILS )
I still bleed everywhere. Like, literally EVERYWHERE. The only difference between then and now is that I am a walking Midol commercial and oh yeah, I need chocolate. At least I’m still holding out on listening to U2.
GRAIN- FREE PB Strawberry Truffles- Recipe makes 12 truffles
1tsp coconut oil, melted
½ cup freeze dried strawberries, blended into powder
1 cup chocolate chips for coating ( Hu chocolate or evolve semi sweet chips) melted
In a bowl, add the peanut butter, almond flour, vanilla, coconut oil and powdered strawberries. Mix together until smooth.
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and use a spoon to form 10 balls and shape them into truffles.
Put it into the freezer for 20 minutes. (Really, intense stuff here.)
Next, melt the chocolate in a water bath. this means, bowl some water, then take a bowl filled with chocolate and set it inside. It will melt.
Remove truffles from the freezer and dip each one in the chocolate coating and place them back on the tray, and freeze for another 10-15 minutes.
These can be stored in the kitchen for up to two weeks. I dare you to make it past two days.
The PB base is like clay. I roll and then smash
Can’t wait to try this recipe!